Thanks for feedback everyone. Its not a will issue. More likely to get me dis-ascociated. I have tried to tell my Dad some facts and ideas of my own and I have been unofficially shunned by my 2 JW sibling for a while now but they prob want to clear their own conscience and if its official they will feel better inside hahaha
Jason Melita
JoinedPosts by Jason Melita
Knock on the Door
by Jason Melita inhey everyone.
so a few weeks back i getva knock at the door, i could tell they were jw immediately, its always obvious.
i think its just a regular door knock but at 5.30pm i did think it weird.
Knock on the Door
by Jason Melita inhey everyone.
so a few weeks back i getva knock at the door, i could tell they were jw immediately, its always obvious.
i think its just a regular door knock but at 5.30pm i did think it weird.
Jason Melita
Hey everyone. So a few weeks back I getva knock at the door, I could tell they were JW immediately, its always obvious. I think its just a regular door knock but at 5.30pm i did think it weird. They open by asking if my name is Jason, Which I found weird since that is my name. They continue to introduce themselves and from which congregation they were from and that they were just wanting to talk to me about the organisation and how it has changed for the better since I was a child being raised in it. So they knew my name and that I was raised a JW. S9me background, I was never baptised and left when I was 15 with my last meeting being at 17, I am now 29 years old. What the Fuck??????? Does anyone know what the hell they were trying to do? Any of my family in the ORG know hiw out spoken I am in regard to the ORG. Anyways would appreciate any feedback you might have. Thanks
What is your story?
by HereIgo ini thought it would be fun to get to know each other's background a little better.. what brought you into the "truth"?
were you born in?.
what caused you to have doubts?.
Jason Melita
born and raised in it. Three siblings, 2 of whom are still in and one parent still in.
My doubts started very young and by 15 I told my parents I did not want to be a JW (never goes down well) I was 17 when I went to one last meeting after much begging from my parents.
I have since been vocal about my issues with the ORGANISATION, which has affected relationships with me being unofficially shunned by my siblings still in. My Dad doesn't shun never really did at least to us children. My mum has left the ORG and has a new partner. I love my family still in but there is a neurological issue that cannot accept reason, you show evidence and they cry satan is tricking me with science but they are quick to call on science when it suits there own argument (which is always weak as piss)
Bad Association: what were your experiences with being labeled this as a young JW?
by Jason Melita inplease share your experiences with being labeled as "bad association".
i was labelled with limted and distasteful association after i was caught smoking pot at school with some of my friends ( i am not condoning drug taking as a teenager, drug experimentation if possible should be kept until after you have finished developing into adulthood) thanks and look forward to your stories........
Jason Melita
Please share your experiences with being Labeled as "Bad Association". I was labelled with Limted and Distasteful association after I was caught smoking pot at school with some of my friends ( I am not condoning drug taking as a teenager, drug experimentation if possible should be kept until after you have finished developing into adulthood) Thanks and look forward to your stories.......
What was the biggest hypocrisy you have seen while a witness?
by HereIgo ini have far too many to name, however, i have noticed obscene music, cussing, lying and secretive gambling to name a few.
Jason Melita
I used to cuss when not around witness kids, I would drink when I would sneak out to a party, I tried marijuana a few times In my teens but I never held anyone else up to any other standard of behaviour besides what I did myself, in fact I loved it when I found other "rebel" witness kids, we grew really tight and had each others back. None of them remained with the Org.
my story (part 2)
by Jason Melita ina little background, both my parents are from very large families ( i have over 70 first cousins).
so i have always felt very fortunate to have something to do with my wordly family maybe twice a year to spend a few days with my grandparents on my fathers side, who are the two most wonderful people i have known ( grandad is a devout roman catholic) grandma i honestly don't think gives a shit lol.
as you could guess my sister and little brother blame association like this as good reasons why i never went with the organisation.
Jason Melita
yeh I was. I was also lucky not to have gotten baptised. But now I have ironically " shunned" my own Dad since her went back to the organisation about 6 months ago. I just cannot have it involved in my life anymore on any level, ya know?
my story (part 2)
by Jason Melita ina little background, both my parents are from very large families ( i have over 70 first cousins).
so i have always felt very fortunate to have something to do with my wordly family maybe twice a year to spend a few days with my grandparents on my fathers side, who are the two most wonderful people i have known ( grandad is a devout roman catholic) grandma i honestly don't think gives a shit lol.
as you could guess my sister and little brother blame association like this as good reasons why i never went with the organisation.
Jason Melita
A little background, both my parents are from very large families ( I have over 70 first cousins). So I have always felt very fortunate to have something to do with my wordly family maybe twice a year to spend a few days with my grandparents on my fathers side, who are the two most wonderful people I have known ( grandad is a devout roman catholic) grandma I honestly don't think gives a shit lol. As you could guess my sister and little brother blame association like this as good reasons why I never went with the organisation. When I was 14, I was caught at school with some of my mates smoking weed. I received a week and a half suspension from my school. At first it was just my immediate family knew what I had done, until my sister felt obliged to tell a few fellow sister, who in turn told their elder or MS husbands. It was not long before I was put on what I recall as limited and distasteful association. Which I was told would include no association with my JW friends outside of meeting and very limited when I was there. For me this was truly the nail in the coffin, this is when I started to speak up to my parents about why I don't wanna be a part of this anymore. The anger came from my father, he took it so personal that I would question his and gods authority of MY own life. About a year later, I told my parents that no matter what they thought, I was going to play Rugby League for the Local club, but I would prefer to have their support. I got what I had desired for so long, to play a sport with my friends at the proper levels. My mum was much more supportive but eventually my Dad came to a few games by years end. It was also around this time that my father lost his formally successful building company to a few bad business deals, and he lost the plot, started drinking heavily, became very emotionally abusive when intoxicated. My mum stuck by him for the next 13 years or so untill early this year she left him for good. Its tough and weird having your parents split up at any stage of your life but IMO this will lead them to a much happier life for themselves. One thing my parents have always displayed to us children and that is unconditional love for your children. They never shunned me or my older brother for choosing different paths, but my sister, brother in law and little brother all practice shunning almost with a sense of glee sometimes. I feel moat for a sisters kids, they are both smart as whip and I wish I knew a decent way to let them all know, if they ever have doubts they know where I am, ya know? Anyways here is part 2. Thank you all again
my story (part one)
by Jason Melita inhi, my name is jason.
i was born in 1987 in nsw, australia into a jehovahs witness household (my parents were baptised mere months before i was born) with 2 older siblings (brother and sister) and in time a younger brother.
i had a pretty happy childhood, we moved to north brisbane by the time i was 5 years old.
Jason Melita
thanks for the kind welcome. I look forward to sharing my story. Can anyone elaborate on what becoming "known" means to the organisation? I have no concerns using my real name, I will alter some other names when required.
my story (part one)
by Jason Melita inhi, my name is jason.
i was born in 1987 in nsw, australia into a jehovahs witness household (my parents were baptised mere months before i was born) with 2 older siblings (brother and sister) and in time a younger brother.
i had a pretty happy childhood, we moved to north brisbane by the time i was 5 years old.
Jason Melita
Hi, my name is Jason. I was born in 1987 in NSW, Australia into a Jehovahs Witness household (my parents were baptised mere months before I was born) with 2 older siblings (brother and sister) and in time a younger brother. I had a pretty happy childhood, we moved to North Brisbane by the time I was 5 years old. My parents were what I would now call, Liberal Jehovah's Witnesses, by which I mean they lets us watch alot of movie many other JW children did not get to ( Star Wars) The first time I remember having doubts about what I was being raised into came about 8 years old, I cannot recall why this point was brought up but it was to do with the "new system" and "resurrection" involving "the ultimate forgiveness of sin) Jesus giving his life and what would happen to my grandparents who were worldy and if Hitler would be resurrected, with answer first being my grandparents would not make it but Hitler would since he had died, then after I was outraged lol my Dad organised for me to study with someone else, my ever enquiring young mind never satisfied with the answers provided, I was handed from one study to another on and off my whole childhood. By the time I had reached high school aged 13 in the year 2000 I had decided I wasn't going to become a JW. As many of you would know holding onto a decision like this is not was but I am thankful that I had worldy cousins who went to the same school as me, and I told them and told them if they told my Uncle and Aunty they have to swear not to tell my Parents or siblings. To be continued...........